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2025 APA National Elections

We are no longer accepting nominations at this time.

Open Positions for the 2025 APA National Elections

  • President-Elect
  • Secretary
  • Minority/Underrepresented Representative (M/UR) Trustee
  • Area 3 Trustee
  • Area 6 Trustee
  • Resident-Fellow Member Trustee-Elect (RFMTE)


APA Election Guidelines

The intent of the guidelines (.pdf) is to encourage fair and open campaigning by APA members on a level playing field.

Download Guidelines

Nominating Committee Webinar

2024 - 2025 Election Schedule

Event Date
Nomination Deadline September 1, 2024
Slate of Candidates Announced By November 1, 2024
Petition Deadline Nominating petitions must be filed with the Secretary within 15 days of the announcement of the candidate slate.
Nominees whom the Nominating Committee determines meet the requirements set by the Board of Trustees for being a petition candidate will be included on the ballot for the following year.
Voting Polls Open January 2, 2025
Voting Polls Close January 31, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. ET
Election Results Announcement By February 17, 2025
Leadership Transition May 20, 2025

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