Effective January 1, 2022, two new membership categories replaced the Rule of 95 as approved by the Board of Trustees and Assembly in 2018. The newly created categories of semi-retired and retired provide more flexibility for a more diverse and changing workforce.
Semi-retired and retired membership categories apply only to members in the U.S. and Canada. Members living outside the U.S. or Canada can email [email protected] to learn about other options.
The changes:
- acknowledge that people are working longer than they did in the early 1990s when the Rule of 95 was created;
- simplify the membership structure;
- encourage renewal of members of all ages; and
- continue to support the mission of the APA and District Branches.
Members may now opt-in to these categories once the individual requirements for Semi-Retired or Retired Memberships are met.
Those who are in the Rule of 95 prior to January 1, 2022 can remain or opt-into the new categories or stay in the Rule of 95.
Life members in the Rule of 95 in or prior to 2021 will have a one-year grace period through December 31, 2022 to reinstate back into the Rule of 95. Beginning January 1, 2023, previous life members reinstating must do so as a General Member (including Fellow or Distinguished Fellow), Retired or Semi-Retired, and will pay the current dues rates for those categories.
Semi-Retired Member Category
A Semi-retired member is defined as a General (including Fellow and Distinguished Fellow) or Life Member (including Life Fellow and Distinguished Life Fellow) who is near retirement age and works less than 15 hours per week in any administrative or clinical role or roles (i.e. across multiple settings).
- Members will be asked to ethically certify, during the opt-in process that will be created, that they meet the above criteria.
- APA dues will be half APA's current full dues rate.
- District Branches and State Associations dues may not exceed more than half of their current full dues rates (i.e. dues can be less but not more).
- Members in this category will continue to receive all member benefits and be able to vote and hold office.
- Once the application has been submitted, Semi-retired Membership status will begin on January 1; off-cycle applications (submissions received January 1 or later) will be considered for the following year unless dues have not been remitted for the current dues year.
- Former members or prospective members may opt-in to this category when re-applying or applying for membership if the above criteria are met.
To opt-in to semi-retired membership for the current dues year, you must not have remitted your current year dues at the time of application. If you have paid your dues, you may opt-in for the next dues year at any time before December 31.
Please contact [email protected] for additional information or to opt-in.
Questions? Please contact your Membership Coordinator.
Retired Member Category
A Retired member is defined as a General (including Fellow and Distinguished Fellow) or Life Member (including Life Fellow and Distinguished Life Fellow) who has reached retirement age and is fully retired from all administrative or clinical responsibilities.
- Members will be asked to ethically certify that they meet the above criteria.
- APA dues will be one-third APA's current full dues rate.
- District Branches and State Associations dues may not exceed more than one-third of their current full dues rates (i.e. dues can be less but not more).
- Members in this category will continue to receive all member benefits and be able to vote and hold office.
- Once the application has been submitted, Retired Membership status will begin on January 1; off-cycle applications (submissions received January 1 or later) will be considered for the following year unless dues have nor been remitted for the current dues year.
- Former members or prospective members may opt-in to this category when re-applying or applying for membership if the above criteria are met.
To opt-in to retired membership for the current dues year, you must not have remitted your current year dues at the time of application. If you have paid your dues, you may opt-in for the next dues year at any time before December 31.
Questions? Please contact your Membership Coordinator.
Life Status
Starting in 2022, Life Status will be a designation that can be achieved by either (i) being a member for 30 or more years; or (ii) paying lump sum dues.
For Members Currently in the Rule of 95
Everyone who has entered the Rule of 95 as of the 2021 dues year will continue through automatically and achieve Lifetime Membership status.
Starting in April 2021 through July 31, 2021 (for the 2022 membership year), those who are currently in the Rule of 95 can choose to opt into semi-retired or the retired categories. Once a member has opted-out of the Rule of 95, he/she will not be able to opt-back in.
Life members in the Rule of 95 in or prior to 2021 will have a one-year grace period through December 31, 2022 to reinstate back into the Rule of 95. Beginning January 1, 2023, previous life members reinstating must do so as a General Member (including Fellow or Distinguished Fellow), Retired or Semi-Retired, and will pay the current dues rates for those categories.
Please contact the APA Membership Department at [email protected] or at +1-202-559-3900.