- October 08, 2024
New APA Books Available on Nature Therapy, Addiction and the Law, and More
This fall, American Psychiatric Association (APA) Publishing is releasing books that cover a wide variety of behavioral health topics, including borderline personality disorder, psychopharmacology, social media and youth mental health, electroconvulsive therapy, and many more.
- October 03, 2024
While Most Americans Align With Close Family Members on Controversial Political Issues, One in Five Report Family Estrangement Based on These Topics
New American Psychiatric Association (APA) polling reveals that about one in three Americans (31%) anticipates having a heated political discussion with their family members this election season. While most (71%) indicate that their family will weather the storm and get along about the same as the holidays come around, 12% expect an improvement in relations, and 6% said family relations will get worse.
- October 03, 2024
Aunque la mayoría de los latinos coinciden con sus familiares en cuestiones políticas controvertidas, uno de cada cuatro afirma un distanciamiento familiar por estos temas
Una nueva encuesta de la Asociación Psiquiátrica Americana (APA) revela que uno de cada tres latinos (36%) anticipa tener una discusión política acalorada con sus familiares esta temporada electoral. Mientras que la mayoría (67%) indica que su familia capeará el temporal y se llevará más o menos igual cuando lleguen las fiestas, el 15% espera una mejora en las relaciones, y el 4% dijo que las relaciones familiares empeorarán.
- October 02, 2024
October Issues of APA Journals Cover Schizophrenia and Psychosis, PTSD Treatment, College Mental Health and More
The latest issues of four American Psychiatric Association journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry, Psychiatric Services, The American Journal of Psychotherapy and Psychiatric Research and Clinical Practice are now available online.
- October 01, 2024
APA Honors Latino Psychiatry Legacy and Future During Hispanic Heritage Month
Today on National Latino Physician Day, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) celebrates the contributions of its Hispanic and Latino membership, past and present, to the field of psychiatry.