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Eligibility Requirements

Candidate Eligibility Requirements

All candidates for the APA National Election must be currently active voting members of the APA. Voting members of the APA are of the following member classification: Resident-Fellow Member, General Member, Fellow, Distinguished Fellow, Distinguished Life Fellow, Life Fellow and Life Member. Medical Students and International Members are not eligible to run for national office.

Officers (President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer)

Candidates generally have leadership and governance experience within the APA and/or other organizations as well as a demonstrated capability to undertake the specific responsibilities of and APA Officer. Candidates are vetted by the National Nominating Committee, chaired by the immediate Past President.


Candidates generally have leadership experience within the APA and/or other organizations. Candidates are vetted by the National Nominating Committee.

Area Trustee

Candidates must be from the respective Area open for election – Area 1: New England & Eastern Canada, Area 2: New York, Area 3: Middle Atlantic, Area 4: North Central, Area 5: South & Puerto Rico, Area 6: California, Area 7: West & Western Canada. Area Trustee candidate nominations are vetted by each respective Area. Area Nominating Committees submit recommendations to the National Nominating Committee for consideration.

Minority/Underrepresented (M/UR) Trustee

Nominees must self-identify as American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian; Asian American; Black; Hispanic; LGBTQ; International Medical Graduate; and/or Woman to qualify for election to this position. M/UR Trustee candidates are vetted by M/UR vetting panel who submit recommendations to the National Nominating Committee for consideration.

Early Career Psychiatrist (ECP) Trustee-at-Large

Candidates must be in the first seven (7) years after becoming eligible to be a General Member; eligibility begins upon completion of training. ECP candidates are vetted by an ECP Nominating Subcommittee who submits recommendations to the National Nominating Committee for consideration.

Resident-Fellow Member Trustee-Elect (RFMTE)

Candidate must have the member classification Resident-Fellow Member (RFM). Because the RFMTE position is a two year term with the RFMTE advancing to the Resident-Fellow Member Trustee (RFMT) position after the first year, candidates must be RFMs throughout the full two year term. RFMs who are PGY-3 residents should be prepared to state their intent to continue through PGY-5. Candidates must complete the RFM Trustee Nomination Release Form (.pdf) and submit it to [email protected]. RFMTE candidates are vetted by a RFMTE Nominating Subcommittee who submits recommendations to the National Nominating Committee for consideration. The resident elected as RFMTE/RFMT cannot, while serving as RFMTE/RFMT, simultaneously belong to or hold a position as an RFM Area Representative or Deputy Representative, or any APA/American Psychiatric Association Foundation (APAF) fellowship.

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