APA Blogs
380 Results
La Salud Mental: Social Media Toolkit
La Salud Mental is our Spanish-language resource website offering evidence-based information on mental health and substance use disorders for Latino communities in the United States. The platform offers culturally relevant information about common mental health issues, treatments, and how to seek support. As part of our commitment to promoting mental health awareness in historically underserved populations, we encourage engagement through the hashtag #MenteSanaGenteSana, which emphasizes the importance of maintaining mental well-being in the Hispanic community.
Introduction from APA’s CEO & Medical Director
APA CEO & Medical Director Marketa M. Wills, M.D., M.B.A. introduces herself to APA members and gives some insight into her first 90 days at APA.
Stuttering: Challenging the Misperceptions
An estimated 5% of people will experience stuttering in their lives. Stuttering starts in childhood and for most children the problem ends on its own by adolescence. But for about 25% of those individuals, it persists. For an estimated 3 million adults in the U.S., stuttering continues into adulthood.
Supporting Student Mental Well-Being with Mindfulness Programs
A variety of mindfulness-based programs are increasingly being used in schools to help support and improve students’ mental, emotional and behavioral health. A new study looks at the evidence about their effectiveness.
New Reports Examine Trends in Youth Mental Health
Several recent national and international reports offer some insights into youth mental health with some encouraging signs along with some concerning trends.