News Releases
435 Results
Media Advisory: Media Encouraged to Attend APA Annual Meeting in Los Angeles
The American Psychiatric Association’s 2025 Annual Meeting features nationally recognized experts in psychiatry and mental health policy, research, and clinical practice. The meeting’s theme is Lifestyle for Positive Mental and Physical Health, will feature more than 450 educational sessions on 50 different topics and more than 1,000 poster sessions.
Statement from Leading Physician Groups on Removal of Data and Guidance from Federal Websites
The removal of datasets and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) websites to comply with the President’s recent executive order puts the health and wellbeing of patients at risk and makes it more difficult for physicians to provide quality care.
February Issues of APA Journals Feature Research on the Substance and Behavioral Addictions, Eradicating Stigma, and More
The latest issues of three American Psychiatric Association journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry, Psychiatric Services, and Focus are now available online.
Statement from Leading Physician Groups on Announcement to Withdraw U.S. from the World Health Organization
The statement below is issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Family Physicians, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American College of Physicians, American Osteopathic Association and American Psychiatric Association
APA Statement on Concerning Lawsuit Challenging Final Parity Rules
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) expresses deep concern over the recent lawsuit filed by The ERISA Industry Committee (ERIC), a trade association that advocates on behalf of large employers, which seeks to invalidate the Final Mental Health Parity Rule. The final rule is intended to improve access to timely care for mental health and substance use disorders by ensuring that insurers are held accountable to the public on the fair provision of these treatments.
APA/APAF Announce Recipients of 2025 MOORE Equity in Mental Health Community Grants Program
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) and APA Foundation (APAF) is announcing the fourth class of MOORE Equity in Mental Health Community Grants Program grantees. Five grant recipients are working to support mental health equity for young people of color, including Aunt Rita's Foundation (Arizona), Burton Homes Community Outreach NFP (Illinois), Oakland Natives Give Back Fund, Inc. (California), Our Minds Matter (Washington, D.C.), and Peoples Empowerment Through Advocacy, Counseling, & Education (Georgia).
New Research Highlights Trends in ADHD Diagnoses
New research identifies differing trends in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnoses among adolescents and adults, including an increase among adults from 2020 to 2023. The study, published in the American Psychiatric Association Journal Psychiatric Research and Clinical Practice, found a significant downward trends in ADHD incidence among adults from 2016 to 2020 and adolescents from 2016 to 2018. The ADHD incidence rate remained stable for adolescents in subsequent years.
Special Issue of APA’s Official Journal Focuses on Psychedelic Medication
As the body of research grows around the potential promise of psychedelic medications in psychiatry, many questions and challenges remain. The January issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry features a series of articles, including new research, reviews and commentaries, on the use of these treatments.
APA Statement on the Death of Jimmy Carter, 39th U.S. President, Humanitarian and Mental Health Advocate
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) today pays tribute to the life of Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and staunch proponent of mental health awareness and access. Along with First Lady Rosalynn Carter, an Honorary Fellow of the APA, his advocacy changed lives
Media Advisory: APA to Hold Community Roundtable on Faith, Spirituality and Mental Health
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) will kick off the new year with a community roundtable, “It’s a Family Affair: Exploring the Intersection of Mental Health, Spirituality and Faith,” in partnership with Christ Community Church of Philadelphia and the Christian Mental Health Initiative.
Más estadounidenses se proponen mejorar su salud mental en 2025
De cara a 2025, el 33% de los estadounidenses ha hecho un propósito de salud mental para el año nuevo. Esta cifra representa un aumento del 5% que el año pasado, y es el resultado más alto que ha obtenido la Asociación Psiquiátrica Americana (APA) desde que empezó a encuestar sobre esta cuestión en 2021. En general, los más jóvenes son más propensos a hacer un propósito de salud mental, con el 48% de los jóvenes de 18 a 34 años afirma hacerlo, frente al 13% de los mayores de 65 años.
More Americans Making New Year’s Mental Health Resolutions Leading Into 2025
Leading into 2025, 33% of Americans are making a mental health new year’s resolution, which is a 5% increase from last year and is the highest result the American Psychiatric Association has seen since it began polling on the question in 2021. Younger people in general were more likely to report making a mental health resolution, with 48% of 18-34-year-olds saying so, versus 13% of those 65 or older.