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January 29, 2024

Las finanzas siguen siendo una fuente importante de ansiedad para los estadounidenses de cara a 2024

En una encuesta realizada en diciembre, la mayoría de los adultos se declararon preocupados por sus finanzas personales (59%) y por la incertidumbre del nuevo año (54%). Más de un tercio (38%) se mostraron preocupados por su salud mental, una tendencia que coincide con los sondeos del año anterior. Algo menos de la mitad (44%) de los adultos afirma que prevé experimentar el mismo nivel de estrés a principios de 2024 que a principios de 2023, mientras que uno de cada cuatro afirma que espera más estrés.

January 17, 2024

Healthy Minds Monthly Poll: Personal Finances Were Still a Major Source of Anxiety for Americans Leading Into 2024

In a poll fielded in December, most adults said they were anxious about their personal finances (59%) and the uncertainty in the new year (54%). More than one-third (38%) were anxious about their mental health—a trend consistent with prior year’s polling. Just under half (44%) of adults said they anticipate experiencing the same level of stress at the start of 2024 as they did at the start of 2023, while one in four said they expect more stress.

December 11, 2023

Adrian Preda, M.D., Named Editor in Chief of Psychiatric News

Adrian Preda, M.D., a professor of clinical psychiatry and human behavior at the University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine, has been named editor in chief of the official news service of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), Psychiatric News.

December 06, 2023

Media Advisory: New Polling Data, Experts on Alcohol Use Disorder Available from American Psychiatric Association

Alcohol use disorder (AUD) involves frequent or heavy alcohol drinking that becomes difficult to control and leads to problems in areas such as relationships, work, school, or family. It affects more than one in four people in their lifetime, and more than one in 10 each year. AUD is common and often goes untreated. Treatments for AUD include medication, therapies, and support/self-help groups.

November 28, 2023

This Year, Only a Quarter of Americans Are Anxious About Political Debates at the Holiday Table; Overall More Are Concerned About Financing the Festivities

With the holiday season fully underway, about a third of Americans (29%) anticipate being more stressed out than last year. The main source of that stress, however, is not political debate at the dinner table. Among the options tested, Americans named affording holiday gifts (51%), finding and securing holiday gifts (40%), or affording holiday meals (39%) as the top three factors causing them anxiety this season.

November 28, 2023

Este año, solo un cuarto de los estadounidenses están preocupados por los debates políticos en la mesa navideña; en general, son más los que se preocupan por la financiación de las fiestas

Con las fiestas navideñas a pleno rendimiento, alrededor de un tercio de los estadounidenses (29%) prevé estar más estresado que el año pasado. La principal fuente de estrés, sin embargo, no es el debate político en la mesa. Entre las opciones analizadas, los estadounidenses mencionaron el coste de los regalos navideños (51%), la búsqueda y obtención de regalos navideños (40%) o el coste de las comidas navideñas (39%) como los tres principales factores que les causan ansiedad esta temporada.

November 20, 2023

APA Statement on the Passing of Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) today pauses to remember the life of Former First Lady Roslynn Carter. Few, if any, other Americans have been able to accomplish what she did for the cause of mental health. Mrs. Carter worked relentlessly to help the millions of people in this country who have mental illness or substance use disorders. She used her bully pulpit to bring the conversation about mental health out from the darkness and to advocate for a more comprehensive system of care.

November 08, 2023

New Poll: Small Acts of Kindness Make Most Americans Feel Better

As the holiday season approaches, most Americans say that small acts of kindness make them feel better, and that is true for both giving and receiving those acts. And acts of kindness were happening: in the past three months, 93% of Americans reported having done something kind, including 69% who had said hello to a stranger, 68% who reported holding a door open for someone, and 65% who had given someone a compliment. Among other options surveyed:

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