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September 06, 2024

September Issues of APA Journals Cover Depression Risk Factors and Treatments, Noninvasive Brain Stimulation Treatments and the Evidence for School-Based Services

The latest issues of two American Psychiatric Association journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Services, are now available online. The September issue of The American Journal of Psychiatry brings together research on depression, both therapeutic insights and contributing risk factors, and an overview and look at the promise of noninvasive brain stimulation.

August 26, 2024

APA Statement on Psychiatry and Global Unrest

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) represents the physicians who deal with the interrelationship between physical and mental health and touch on human emotion, social connection, thought, and behavior. APA asserts that no matter where political lines are drawn, the human and societal tolls of war and conflict are devastating and have immediate and downstream effects on mental health.

August 05, 2024

New Poll: While Support for School Mental Health Training is Common, Nearly Half of Americans Don’t Believe Most School Staff Have Received It

As children begin to return to school this month, a new poll from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) shows that 84% of Americans believe school staff play a crucial role in identifying signs of mental health issues in students, but less than half (45%) of Americans believe most school staff have been trained in identifying these concerns.

August 05, 2024

Nueva encuesta: Aunque el apoyo a la formación en salud mental escolar es común, casi la mitad de los hispanos no cree que la mayoría del personal escolar la haya recibido

A medida que los niños regresan a la escuela este mes, una nueva encuesta de la Asociación Psiquiátrica Americana (APA) muestra que el 79% de los hispanos encuestados cree que el personal escolar desempeña un papel crucial en la identificación de los signos y síntomas de salud mental en los estudiantes, pero menos de la mitad (49%) de los hispanos cree que la mayoría del personal escolar ha sido entrenada en la identificación de estas preocupaciones.

July 31, 2024

APA Statement on the Police Killing of Sonya Massey

The July 7 killing of Sonya Massey by former sheriff’s deputy Sean Grayson is a disturbing and horrifying tragedy that should never have happened. Law enforcement, when visiting the home of anyone with reported mental health concerns, should be trained and prepared to respond to these individuals with care and empathy, not violence and harm

July 11, 2024

New Patient Guide for Mood and Anxiety Disorders Available to the Public

A new book developed by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) and published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) provides readers with the evidence-based knowledge and tools to understand mood disorders and make informed decisions toward lasting mental health and wellbeing.

July 08, 2024

Latinos, psiquiatras coinciden: El deporte puede ser bueno para la salud mental

Al llegar los juegos olímpicos al final de este mes, 80% de latinos quienes practican algún deporte – de forma competitiva o recreativa – dicen que beneficia su salud mental, según una nueva encuesta. La mayoría (57%) de los adultos estadounidenses reporta que practican algún deporte con regularidad, siendo los estudiantes (81%), los trabajadores autónomos (74%) y los latinos (70%) los que más declaran, y los hombres (67%) más propensos que las mujeres (48%) a afirmarlo.

June 18, 2024

More Americans Say Climate Change Is Having an Impact on Mental Health Now Than in 2022, APA Survey Finds

With a prediction for an above normal hurricane season this year, wildfires causing evacuations, and tornadoes and extreme storms regularly emerging, just more than half of adults (53%) are now reporting that climate change is impacting Americans’ mental health. This is up from 48% in 2022, as reported in the American Psychiatric Association’s Healthy Minds Monthly Poll.

June 18, 2024

Más estadounidenses dicen que el cambio climático está teniendo un impacto en la salud mental ahora que en 2022, según una nueva encuesta de la APA

Entre predicciones de una temporada de huracanes por encima de lo normal este año, los incendios forestales que provocan evacuaciones y los tornados y tormentas extremas que surgen regularmente, algo más de la mitad de los adultos (53%) informan ahora de que el cambio climático está afectando a la salud mental de los estadounidenses. Este porcentaje es superior al 48% registrado en 2022, según la encuesta mensual Healthy Minds de la Asociación Psiquiátrica Americana (APA).

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