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DBSA Presidents Orientation

Meet Our Organization


Governance structure and component directories.

Area Map (.pdf)

List of district branches by Assembly Areas.

Component Directory

The online directory to search and contact APA and DB/SA leadership.

APA Foundation

APA’s charitable arm and community programs.

Position Statements

Official APA policies.

Resource Documents

Guidance on mental health topics.

Amicus Briefs

Briefs on important court cases.

Practice Guidelines

Evidence-based clinical guidance.


News Releases

APA press releases.

Media Tips

Online videos on various media and social media topics.

Disaster Resources (.pdf)

Resources for responding to media inquiries during mass traumas.


Federal Affairs

APA advocates for national mental health care.

State Affairs

APA supports state legislative efforts.

Model Parity Legislation

Adapted state legislation on parity, telehealth, and more.

Scope of Practice

Resources to support APA and district branch efforts.


Non-partisan political action committee.

Congressional Network

Advocates maintain key relationships with Congress.

Advocacy Updates

Regulatory and congressional successes and next steps.


National Elections

Leadership opportunities in APA governance.


Nomination information on APA appointments.

Fellowship Programs

Guide on APA/APAF fellowship leadership programs for residents.


Telepsychiatry Toolkit

Guide on clinical, training, and policy considerations.

Certification & Licensure

Information on NBPAS, ABPN, MOL, and MOC requirements and reform (update pending).

Ethics Resources

Resources and standards on ethics and process for ethical complaints.

Membership Outreach Toolkit

Presentations and talking points for recruitment.


For advocacy, operations, community recovery.

Model District Branch

Guidance on district branch structure and operations.

Mental Health Registry

PsychPRO is APA’s CMS-qualified clinical data registry.

Medical leadership for mind, brain and body.

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