Psychiatrists around the country have the chance to make their voices heard in the 2024 elections on Tuesday, November 5. All 435 U.S. House seats and 34 of the 100 Senate seats are on the ballot, and 27 gubernatorial seats and 5,793 state legislative seats are up for election. The candidates you elect will have an impact on APA policy and may serve as some of psychiatry’s most visible advocates.
APA encourages all members who are eligible to vote to cast their ballot on November 5. Use the links below to find information you will need to register to vote, check your registration status, learn about candidates running in your state, find polling locations, and get information on early or absentee voting.

Find Your Candidates
Want to know who is running in your community?
Questions for APA Members to Ask Candidates
Download the (.pdf) below for a list of questions to ask candidates.
Download Questions for Candidates (.pdf)
Are You Registered to Vote?
Use APA's simple online tool to ensure that your voice will count on election day.
Get Involved
Sign up for your candidates' newsletters or following their social media channels - just go to their websites! Email [email protected] and we can help find a local event, like a townhall, for you to attend. We can also provide you with sample questions or talking points.