Psychotherapy is a treatment that uses verbal exchange, and sometimes behavioral interventions, within a professional relationship, with the primary goal of fostering the growth and development of healthier and more satisfying patterns of response to stressors so that an individual can lead a self-directed life.
Psychotherapy by psychiatrists takes place in a variety of settings, including, but not limited to, the traditional weekly individual, family, or group sessions of a set duration.
Psychotherapeutic principles, understanding, and techniques can be applied broadly in medical as well as psychiatric settings to enhance doctor patient communication, promote an effective treatment alliance, and resolve impasses in treatment.
Psychotherapy is a "big tent" that refers to a diverse range of techniques and theoretical orientations. There is a solid and growing evidence base supporting short- and long-term psychotherapies. Psychotherapy and psychopharmacology are powerful and synergistic tools that psychiatrists can employ, tailoring the relative amount of each to the needs of the specific patient.
Resources, Journals & Articles
- Holding Insurers Accountable for Parity in Coverage of Mental Health Treatment
- Improving Access to Psychotherapy: Implications of Wit Versus United Behavioral Health
- Moving Forward While Standing Still: A Case of Mental Health Advocacy Evolving in the Time of COVID-19
- APA Resource Document: Psychotherapy as an Essential Skill of Psychiatrists (2014)
- Clinical Necessity Guidelines for Psychotherapy, Insurance Medical Necessity and Utilization Review Protocols, and Mental Health Parity
Psychiatric News Psychotherapy Column
A bi-monthly column from the American Psychiatric Associations publication Psychiatric News, discussing topics related to psychotherapy and practice.

American Journal of Psychotherapy
A monthly journal by the American Psychiatric Association, The American Journal of Psychotherapy provides a forum for advancing the theory, science, and clinical practice of psychotherapy.

Learning Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Debrin P. Goubert, M.D., Niklas Törneke, M.D., Robert Purssey, M.D., FRANZCP, Josephine Loftus, M.D., MRCPsych, Laura Weiss Roberts, M.D., M.A., and Kirk D. Strosahl, Ph.D.

Learning Supportive Psychotherapy, Second Edition
Arnold Winston, M.D., Richard N. Rosenthal, M.D., and Laura Weiss Roberts, M.D., M.A.

Clinical Manual of Supportive Psychotherapy, Second Edition
Peter N. Novalis, M.D., Ph.D., Virginia Singer, D.N.P., and Roger Peele, M.D.