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State Affairs

Around the country, the APA Department of Government Relations provides assistance to District Branches/State Associations on state legislative and regulatory affairs. Activities include tracking health care legislation, serving as a clearinghouse for best lobbying practices and model legislation, and providing on-site strategic assistance and grassroots training.

Model State Legislation for Private Insurance Coverage of Telemedicine

The federal government, all 50 states, and the District of Columbia have taken action to further insurance coverage of telemedicine since the beginning of the COVID-19 public health emergency. With states reopening, there have been concerns that some of these positive changes such as payment parity with in-person visits, might be revoked. APA listened to the needs of members and patients and developed model telemedicine language for states. Learn more about APA's efforts and view the model legislation here.

Model Parity Legislation

APA has created parity-implementation legislation for all 50 states and the District of Columbia, designed to require transparency and accountability from insurers and state regulators. Each state has legislation that is tailored specifically for that state's terminology and formatting. Download the adapted legislation for your state.

Model Collaborative Care Legislation

APA has created legislation that would increase access to mental healthcare by having private insurers reimburse Collaborative Care billing codes. Legislation has been drafted for all 50 states and the District of Columbia and is designed to be a positive legislative solution for addressing access to care while being budget-neutral for the state. Each state has legislation that is tailored specifically for that state's terminology and formatting. Download the adapted legislation for your state.

Non-Physician Scope of Practice Advocacy

Learn more about APA's work to confront state legislative efforts by psychologists and other healthcare professionals to gain prescribing privileges. Please contact the APA Director of State Government Relations to discuss Scope of Practice concerns in your state through [email protected].

Medicaid Work Requirements 

Section 1115 of the Social Security Act authorizes states to apply to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for waivers of certain Medicaid rules through demonstration projects that advance the objectives of the Medicaid program. On January 11, 2018, CMS issued new guidance for states seeking to tie Medicaid benefits to employment or other forms of community engagement for non-elderly, non-disabled adult Medicaid beneficiaries who are eligible for Medicaid on a basis other than disability. Explore our member-only resources on Medicaid work requirements.

District Branch Grant Information

The Committee on Advocacy and Litigation Funding (CALF) has the responsibility of reviewing requests, usually from District Branches/ State Associations, for financial support of projects involving legislation, litigation, and advocacy; of making recommendations regarding funding to the Board of Trustees; and of proposing coordinated activity by other APA components or District Branches/State Associations. CALF reports to the Council on Advocacy and Government Relations (CAGR). CAGR, in turn, makes recommendations through the Joint Reference Committee to the Board of Trustees where a funding decision is made.

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