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96 Results
Approaches to Address Patient Access to Important Personal Items While Psychiatrically Hospitalized
This resource document is a guide for psychiatrists to use to evaluate and manage patient access to personal items during inpatient psychiatric hospitalization. Differences between types of psychiatric hospitals, including civil, forensic, child and adolescent, and long-term state hospitals will be reviewed.
The Role of Psychiatrists in the Post-Roe Era
This resource document will outline clinical considerations for psychiatrists in a post-Dobbs world and provide guidance in navigating a new and complex landscape related to abortion.
Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Subacute and Chronic Long COVID
This resource document describes the clinical picture of long COVID, considerations in the evaluation of patients, and potential role for interventions.
Psychiatry and Military Service
The APA Resource Document on Psychiatry and Military Services was prepared as part of an APA Action Paper to improve the awareness of all APA members regarding military implications of psychiatric diagnoses and treatments. This resource document outlines the key considerations for civilian psychiatrists treating active-duty military personnel.
Mental Health Response to Migration Emergencies
This guide is crafted with a sense of urgency and purpose to provide support to those engaged in mental healthcare for migrants.
Acute Neuropsychiatric Sequelae of COVID-19 Infection
This resource document will describe acute neuropsychiatric sequelae of COVID-19 infection. Importantly, the literature on neuropsychiatric manifestations of COVID-19 continues to evolve rapidly, and many of the largest and best studies were based on early waves and variants.
The purpose of this resource document is to help educate psychiatrists, physicians, other providers and the community about the current literature of CBD and how to approach psychoeducation in a tactful and nonjudgmental manner.
Substance Use Disorders in Older Adults
A guide to screening, educating, and treating older adults with substance use disorders.
Role of Psychiatrists in Assessing Driving Ability
A guide for psychiatrists to advise patients and their caregivers on options for alternatives to driving.
Implementation of Measurement-Based Care
A guide to develop resources to help solo as well as small-group psychiatrist practices and health systems including psychiatric care implement measurement-based care into routine practice.
Telepsychiatry for Adults in Jails and Prisons
A guide for psychiatrists interested in or already working with adults who are incarcerated in jails or prisons and for whom telepsychiatry is a current or potential clinical practice. This may also be helpful for psychiatric administrators in correctional facilities who are considering the implementation of telepsychiatry.
Digital Mental Health 101
This guide is an introduction to the broad considerations that should be understood by mental health professionals and patients alike when engaging with mobile health (mHealth) solutions.