News Releases
382 Results
Vasilis K. Pozios, M.D., Assumes Post as APA Assembly Speaker
At the close of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) 2023 Annual Meeting, Vasilis K. Pozios, M.D., assumed the role of Speaker of the APA Assembly of District Branches.
The American Psychiatric Association Launches New Eating Disorder Clinical Decision Support Tool
The American Psychiatric Association (APA), together with AvoMD, a software company that translates clinical evidence into the workflow, have developed an interactive screening and assessment tool for eating disorders based on the APA’s new Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Eating Disorders.
Study Highlights Long-Term Benefits of Family-Based Care Following Institutional Care
New research, published online today in the American Journal of Psychiatry, provides the most robust and comprehensive evidence to date that children exposed to early psychosocial deprivation benefit substantially from family-based care. Senior author Kathryn L. Humphreys, Ph.D., discussed this work today at a special briefing during the 2023 Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association.
New Study Evaluates Quality of Information on YouTube, TikTok About Dissociative Identity Disorder
New research released today at the American Psychiatric Association’s Annual Meeting examined the quality of content in YouTube and TikTok videos on dissociative identity disorder and found novel results.
New Research Examines Firearm Culture in Families of Youth Who Died by Firearm-Suicide
A new study, released today at the American Psychiatric Association’s Annual Meeting, examined perspectives on firearms among the families of youth who completed suicide by firearm, and found that in many cases, youth who died by gun-related suicide had been introduced to these weapons through culturally rooted familial traditions. The researchers also examined family members’ perspectives on suicide prevention interventions, including the State of Maryland’s Extreme Risk Protective Order Law, passed in 2018.
New Research: Faith Leaders Play Important Role in Aiding Mental Health of Seniors
New research presented today at the American Psychiatric Association’s Annual Meeting indicates that older people with multiple chronic health conditions who are more religious are more likely to seek mental health services from a faith leader than a mental health professional.
APA Gives Back to Homeless Children’s Network
In its 14th year, the “APA Gives Back” program provides an opportunity for the American Psychiatric Association (APA), its members, and Annual Meeting attendees to support a community organization in the city where the Annual Meeting is held. Today, the APA presented a donation of $27,176 to Homeless Children’s Network (HCN).
New Community Diversity Fellowship Benefits Regional Nonprofits Across the U.S.
The American Psychiatric Association Foundation (APAF) has announced the nine inaugural recipients of its new Community Diversity Fellowship, funded by the Sozosei Foundation. The Community Diversity fellows, like other APAF fellows, will receive professional development, experiential learning, and networking opportunities. In addition, the Community Diversity fellows will deliver culturally competent psychiatric care in hard-to-reach and traditionally underrepresented communities. This fellowship was created to support psychiatry residents who are committed to serving minoritized and vulnerable populations, many of whom may themselves be from diverse backgrounds.
Americans Express Worry Over Personal Safety in Annual Anxiety and Mental Health Poll
The results of an annual poll conducted by the American Psychiatric Association show that 70% of U.S. adults say they feel anxious or extremely anxious about keeping themselves or their families safe. While the number is lower than what was reported during the early onset of the pandemic in 2020, it is 6% higher than in the past two years.
May Issues of American Psychiatric Association Journals Cover New Treatments, Assessing Crisis Lines, Suicide Prevention, and More
he latest issues of three of the American Psychiatric Association’s journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry, Psychiatric Services and Focus are now available online. The May issue of The American Journal of Psychiatry focuses on treatments, with articles presenting issues related to psychedelics, trichotillomania, social anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, and opioid use disorder.
APA Foundation Welcomes 2023 Class of Fellows, Largest in Program History
The American Psychiatric Association Foundation today (APAF) proudly welcomed 116 future psychiatric leaders into the 2023 class of fellows, marking the largest class in program history. The APA Foundation Resident Fellowship Program complements psychiatric residency training by providing experiential learning, mentorships, and professional development opportunities.
Los hispanoamericanos se sienten más informados sobre el vínculo entre la nutrición y la salud mental que las personas no hispanas. El 78 % cambiaría su dieta para tener un efecto positivo en su salud mental.
Los hispanoamericanos están entendiendo esta relaciĂłn: la Ăşltima encuesta mensual de Healthy Minds de la AsociaciĂłn Americana de PsiquiatrĂa revela que cuatro de cada cinco (81 %) de los adultos hispanoamericanos se consideran informados sobre el vĂnculo entre la nutriciĂłn y la salud mental. Este porcentaje es más alto que el de las personas no hispanas, de las cuales solo el 63 % indicĂł ese nivel de conocimiento.