APA Blogs
55 Results
Latino Youth: Overcoming Challenges to Mental Health and Access to Care
Latino youth are more likely than their peers to have mental health issues, which often go unaddressed and untreated, according to a recent review of research by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Many Latino youth face several stressors related to family life and to community/school that can impact their mental health.
More Evidence of the Benefits of Trees in Urban Areas
Previous research has tied people’s exposure to natural environments, such as urban green spaces, to better health and mental health. A new study looks at whether a specific type of green space— trees, grass or low-lying vegetation— provides benefits.
Yoga as a Mental Health Treatment
In a recent review in the journal Focus, Maren Nyer, Ph.D., and colleagues highlight the mounting evidence that yoga is helpful for a variety of mental health conditions and support integrating yoga into conventional mental health treatment.
Team Sports May Help Build Resilience After Trauma
Traumatic and other negative experiences in childhood can have lasting effects, including increased chances of physical health issues and mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. A new study finds that among people who had adverse childhood experiences, participation in sports during adolescence is associated with better adult mental health
Colleges Increase Their Focus on Student Mental Health
As many students head back to college this fall, a new survey finds that student mental health is getting more attention among college leaders. Eight out of 10 colleges are placing a greater priority on student mental health now compared to three years ago, according to a recent survey of college presidents from the American Council on Education. Most college presidents said their staff and faculty are spending more time addressing mental health concerns that three years ago. More than 70%, of the more than 400 presidents surveyed, said they had reallocated or identified additional funding to address the issue.