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Jacob Javits Award for Public Service

The Jacob Javits Award for Public Service is a biennial state or federal award given to a public servant recognizing their contributions to the field of mental health.

The award is given every year – every other year, the award alternates between a state and federal public servant.

Program Benefits


Criteria / Eligibility

State or federal public servants. Nominees for this award must be a public servant who is a champion for mental health and has worked to improve the lives of people who have been impacted by mental health and substance use disorders

Selection Criteria

The committee is comprised of the membership of the APA Council on Advocacy and Government Relations. The committee reviews all nominations put forth by APA staff, district branches, and individual members and then votes to choose the recipient. The final selection will be forwarded to the Joint Reference Committee and the APA Board of Trustees for final approval.

Nomination / Application Details

APA members can nominate a public servant and submit a maximum one-page narrative, demonstrating how the nominee demonstrates distinguished public service to the advancement of mental health.


The deadline date for this award is August 31 of each year. Submissions will not be considered if they are incomplete or submitted after the deadline.


Awardees are notified in conjunction with the APA Annual Meeting.

Award Presentation

Location chosen collaboratively between APA staff and the chosen official


Dana Doran
Associate Director, Federal Relations
[email protected]

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