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  • July 11, 2024

New Patient Guide for Mood and Anxiety Disorders Available to the Public

A new book developed by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) and published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) provides readers with the evidence-based knowledge and tools to understand mood disorders and make informed decisions toward lasting mental health and wellbeing.

  • July 08, 2024

Latinos, psiquiatras coinciden: El deporte puede ser bueno para la salud mental

Al llegar los juegos olímpicos al final de este mes, 80% de latinos quienes practican algún deporte – de forma competitiva o recreativa – dicen que beneficia su salud mental, según una nueva encuesta. La mayoría (57%) de los adultos estadounidenses reporta que practican algún deporte con regularidad, siendo los estudiantes (81%), los trabajadores autónomos (74%) y los latinos (70%) los que más declaran, y los hombres (67%) más propensos que las mujeres (48%) a afirmarlo.

  • June 18, 2024

More Americans Say Climate Change Is Having an Impact on Mental Health Now Than in 2022, APA Survey Finds

With a prediction for an above normal hurricane season this year, wildfires causing evacuations, and tornadoes and extreme storms regularly emerging, just more than half of adults (53%) are now reporting that climate change is impacting Americans’ mental health. This is up from 48% in 2022, as reported in the American Psychiatric Association’s Healthy Minds Monthly Poll.

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