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International Medical Graduates (IMG) Resource Guide


International Medical Graduates (IMGs) are defined as individuals who have completed their medical schooling outside the United States. IMGs are a heterogeneous group and can be further categorized as U.S. IMGs or non-U.S. IMGs, depending on their nationality status. Recently published data indicates IMGs make up 29% of the U.S. psychiatric workforce compared with 23% in other specialties, and 21% of psychiatry residents are IMGs. Unique career challenges for IMGs include obtaining and retaining visas, limited job opportunities, dealing with imposter syndrome and discrimination, and a lack of mentorship. APA formed a work group to develop a plan of action to address the unique needs of IMG members, members of international origin and members who continue to identify strongly with their country of origin.

A needs assessment, including a survey completed by approximately 800 IMGs, revealed the importance of developing a resource guide that would support IMGs throughout their career — before, during and after residency. Choosing from a wealth of resources, the work group identified key points and tips that it then included in this IMG Resource Guide.

Pre-Residency IMGs

IMGs in Residency and Fellowship

Early Career IMGs

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